Stonewalling Seldom Works

The thing is, People found what happened to us in Marion County to be incredible and others doubting that it actually happened…but it did. I have documented several other cases besides ours over the years so all that has occurred there in recent times is no surprise to me. We both filed sworn affidavits with the district court and I still wonder if the judge even read them…

Bob Palmer is an editor for the Jefferson Jimplecute. I’ve never met him but if I ever do, I would proudly say ‘Hey, I know him.’ Its refreshing to read the Jimplecute these days, Its a small paper covering stories of Jefferson and Marion County.

This newspaper ticked off Sheriff McKnight as well as members of the judicial system. Those government officials who have not responded for comment…I guess when lies beget lies it can be hard to navigate for the truth.

Exposing the truth shouldn’t be said only behind closed doors or whispered in the shadows-It most certainly is news worthy!


In my opinion-Warrants when properly written, should be served and based on facts that give rise to be issued-In this case, they most certainly had good reason to be written…whether or not they demonstrate probable cause can be questioned.

In this case, with warrants remaining unserved, there is no way to know-Judges in Marion County, other than state court, are not trained in matters of law so law enforcement could be hesitant in serving them…

Pierce needs mental health evaluation and not taken to the jail at all but instead to the closest hospital-I mean who runs around carrying a machete? This would not be the first time when mental health is in question that they made an improper arrest-A suicidal suspect can not be dealt with at the county jail in a restraint chair and the use of a taser…Past history of the jail-No intent for slander.
This indicates that the safety of the general public and residents is in question. Currently, there is no way to verify if the jail is actually full or not-No report has been received by the paper for weeks and gives me reason to question that, as fact, with McKnight caught in a lie to save his arse…Furthermore, this wasn’t the first time from this bloggers point of view!!!


Stonewalling Seldom Works

If anyone wants a lesson in the futility of stalling your way to public relations success, they need only look at the past eight months in Marion County.
When horrid conditions Dixie Animal Shelter were exposed, Marion County Humane Society, dba Dixie Humane Society, President Brooklynn LaFleur attempted, first, to blame the whistleblower, Gayle Robinson, then attempted to pretend everything was under control while freezers of dead dogs were discovered.
Granted LaFleur may not have been fully informed when she put on a brave face for the cameras, but the net result was personal embarrassment and irrelevancy for her organization.
Marion County Sheriff David McKnight refused to admit he made the dumb ’’Elmer” Facebook post. Copies of text messages secured by the Jimplecute through a Texas Public Information Act request finally revealed McKnight as the author of this insult.
The sheriff would have been much smarter to have stepped forward with the truth and an apology. McKnight continues to stall, delaying the release of routine information like who was arrested last week when the law clearly states you are entitled to see these reports.
McKnight and Assistant County Attorney Bill Gleason wish to recall Dixie Operator Caroline Wedding’s past service to the county and refuse to face the depth of the disaster in December.
It is difficult to see the failings of old friends and associates, but circumstances require it from those who lead our community. Jefferson Police Department also at first attempted to blame the messenger, but Chief Gary Amburn admitted at last week’s city council meeting that he had been “lax” in keeping tabs on Dixie.
Amburn suggested the time had come to move forward. Most in the room agreed.
Marion County also has a problem when convicted felons like Daniel E. Pierce, III walk around with machetes when arrest warrants are out against them. Supposedly, the problem is jail overcrowding.
A long-term solution of either a new jail or an expanded jail may develop soon, but the county can pay to have prisoners housed in other counties now removing the scofflaws off the streets.
The pattern is clear. Bad things happen when authorities stonewall. We hope something even worse does not happen because warrants go unserved.


Reminder-Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others

Just how safe has it become under the rule of a sheriff who claims they can not serve a warrant due to an over crowded jail?!? Is it possible that Pierce could use that machete, injure, or worse even kill someone? Wouldn’t then make the county libel for suit?

Is the county lible for suit now by the residents? I would think that answer would be damn right it is!!!

Stay tuned and follow this blog!!! -B






Demand Justice for the Dogs


Kangaroo Court in Session

Kangaroo court

Review of the facts concerning severe animal cruelty by Carolyn Wedding; assigned the simple task of caring for animals for the city of Jefferson, Texas and Marion County. It’s not a difficult job to provide proper food and shelter at a place created as a safe haven for animals in need. Some simply lost, others taken from their longstanding rightful owners then to be placed in humane conditions.

However, Wedding is a one-woman show who would not allow the public in; nor would she allow for volunteers for help. No one knew that there was something she was hiding behind those locked gates? Why is it that she was accustom to police officers and sheriff deputies coming out with animals needing rescue yet not one noticed the conditions? That smell alone had to be putrid.

I’m the last person that anyone would expect would be screaming about animal cruelty-however, it was intentional folks and went beyond that she had plenty to hide-Wedding knew all along that she wasn’t properly providing for those animals or there would have been people streaming in and out on a daily bases…Help with the care and to search to see if their missing dog had been picked up or simply to look around and take one home-In the end she’d claim no one would come to help-slick answer from someone who had three full freezers of dead animals and a puppy that had been stabbed to death…a dead dog found in her residence

You be the judge-Time for a little Kangaroo Court, after all, it’s Marion County and they do as they please and Kangaroo Court goes with the territory-It is befitting and considering the Grand Jury decided there wasn’t enough evidence to demonstrate any criminal offence was due to the fact that district attorney Smoak was over her head in pulling off her usual trickery; at least one juror was a city council woman…just as I had suspected…

Animal cruelty was NOT the main topic discussed with the Grand Jury, barely talked about but what did that matter-Calling for a Grand Jury for an animal cruelty case simply is unheard of and is not consistent with Texas Health and Safety Code 821-829, Government law.

Marion Co Courthouse

I call this Kangaroo Court to order-only fitting for the need for true judgement and conclusions…Presenting the evidence:



How much more evidence do you need-Had I been on that jury I would have had to be excused as I ran out of that courtroom to hurl…



Wedding was whisked into and out of that courtroom that day…She was present for about 30 minutes before her daughter, a dis-barred attorney herself, took her home as if she was in some frail condition-If she was so unable to stand trial then get her to a doctor and demand that she receives treatment.

As promised, more from the Jimplecute:

Dixie Dog Disaster Results in No Indictments By Marion Grand Jury

Some Outraged, Some Okay

Jimplecute News Editor

JEFFERSON – Numerous area residents lashed out following the Marion County Grand Jury’s decision to “no-bill” operators of the Dixie Humane Society.
“Just goes to prove it’s who you know and not evidence that gets you brought up on charges in this town, and how many dollar signs are behind your name,” Rita Barr wrote in a Facebook post.

“This verdict comes as no surprise,” Christie Woodson, who lamented that District Attorney Angela Smoak limited her testimony to the alleged trespassing, said. “None of us were asked about a single dog. Not one dog. Angie (Smoak) never said the words dog, abuse, freezer of dead animals or anything relevant to the true crime.”
Bob Avery, attorney for the Marion County Humane Society, which operated the Dixie shelter, disagreed. “The Grand Jury was in the best position to evaluate the evidence and I am certainly not going to second-guess them,” Avery told the Jimplecute this week.
Stephen Youngblood agreed, “The jury made their decision, I’ll have to agree with them.” A statement given last week by the Marion County District Attorney’s office revealed that the June 14 Grand Jury session resulted in no indictments of Caroline Wedding and the other operators of the Dixie Humane Society shelter.

Charges will also not be pursued against some who may have entered the property off SH 49 on North Street despite police warning tapes. More than 70 dogs were rescued in November and December by local volunteers at the shelter amid charges of neglect and abuse.

Following an investigation, Jefferson Police Chief Gary Amburn said violations of the law had occurred at the shelter and referred the matter to the district attorney’s office. D.A. Smoak presented the evidence to the Grand Jury.“

On June 14, 2019, a Marion County Grand Jury spent all day listening to the testimony of 13 witnesses, including those who faced potential criminal charges relating to the operation and eventual closure of the Dixie Humane Society in Jefferson, Texas,” the statement from Smoak read.

“When the facility closed, over 70 dogs were housed there in what were alleged to be inhumane conditions which sparked media coverage and calls from some members of the community for charges to be pursued for animal cruelty,” Smoak continued.
“At the end of a long day and after review of testimony from 13 witnesses and additional evidence, the Grand Jury found insufficient evidence to charge the operator of the facility or others who were facing potential criminal trespass or tampering with evidence charges.”

Smoak noted the dogs have since been placed with other facilities or individuals by community volunteers “who responded quickly after the facility closed.” Attempts to solicit comments from Sheriff David McKnight, Jefferson Police Chief Gary Amburn and MCHS Board President Brooklynn Bradley-LaFleur were not successful.
Volunteers active in the Friends of Jefferson Animals, however, were vocal.“The evidence that they should have concerned themselves with was the 70-plus malnourished and sick dogs living in their own filth, some of whom needed immediate medical attention,” Dina Carroll said.

“Of the 11 witnesses I saw enter the building, not one of them was there to speak up and out for the mistreated or dead animals found. As for insufficient evidence, it is my opinion that not all evidence was heard or even asked for.”

“Curiously, as I walked into the courthouse before the commencement of the proceedings I was approached by a prior DA who reminisced about a previous animal abuse case prosecution where they called in experts from Arlington, measured the level of contaminants present, etc.
He commented that they got a conviction and the perpetrator is still on probation,” Steven Shaw commented. Based on his observations, Shaw also reported to that none of that investigation was replicated on this case.

“The most disappointing part to the events surrounding the Dixie Humane Society was the overt, double standard application of the law,” Steve Woodson said. “We’ve got freezers full of dead dogs, dozens of neglected and malnourished animals, but apparently, that doesn’t warrant even a minor citation.

Instead, the volunteers have been treated like second-class citizens and were forced to defend their actions.” “By the grand jury not bringing charges against Caroline Wedding or the oversight board, they are allowing dog abuse to go unpunished and letting everyone know that abused dogs are not a concern of Marion County,” said Kim Shaw.

Abused dogs were never a concern for Marion County-It was just another way to make criminals of the residents, get them locked into the system and take their money which could be as much as a thousand bucks…possibly more. Besides hiring an attorney for representation (minimum $5,000.00).

Plead guilty or I won’t represent you said Gleason to one longstanding resident who was charged althou innocent of those charges-he was her court appointed attorney…for what, she could have represented herself -he was useless.

Take all the animals in civil court but we’ll never take them to criminal court-We’ll get them next time because she can have animals, just not those animals (well of course not, nearly half were murdered or died by their unskilled hands.) No matter or attention of actual law was paid to by the JP judge, at that time, Lex Jones, that nothing was done according to the laws in Texas…County Judge Phil Parker took the case on appeal althou beyond subject matter jurisdiction of that court to hear the appeal but what did those defendants know? Parker was told how he would be ruling that day by Gleason, it was already discussed and decided before court even began; including denying the motion for a jury demand. Neither judge was trained in matters of law and Jones who knew one defendant was deaf, allowed the case to go to court without an ASL interpreter…No ASL interpreter was provided for any of it for him. And while I’m at it, I should add that the police records indicated that the defendants cooperated and no call for arrest was listed on the warrant but the two defendants that Wedding said of ‘alleged’ animal cruelty, were taken to jail with no consideration for PR bond. Instead, those defendants would remain in jail until it was decided that all charges would be dropped by giving up some of those animals (extortion used by Gleason) yet they held court the following day and decided to award the animals to Wedding…partially due to the fact that Wedding had a lot of weight affiliated with Sheriff McKnight…partially due to the fact that without permission from the court and without medical testing or permission from the defendants who remained in jail until the hearing, slaughtered nearly half the animals in the name of rescue under the color of law…Many animals died in the Weddings hands and the hands of Dr. Carol Hedges -Hedges complained that she was loosing business due to this blog accounting of what happened and occurred.

Karma played a role in seeing that Hedges, the Angel of Death got what she deserved…No rescue had occurred, in fact what occurred was animal cruelty by the accusers.

No justice was ever served.

With all charges dropped, the animals should have been returned according to the Texas Health and Safety Code…and the lives of the defendants were destroyed…Nothing would ever be the same with the only way out to relocate once again.

We left Marion County seven years ago and only now meeting its residents from beyond the gates of our property in another state.

Carolyn Wedding should have not only been charged with animal cruelty but numerous other charges including bank fraud and operating a NFP not listed with the state of Texas.

You can only find one conclusion-If Carolyn Wedding is not charged with over 70 counts of animal cruelty then there is no such thing as animal cruelty in Marion County and they need to answer to anyone and everyone previously charged.

What say you?

Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned…follow this blog or join TopCatsRoar FB page…there will be more -B

DragnetWhat ya think Joe-Will she talk now? The facts just the facts.


A Bogus Attempt At Justice -DA Angie Smoak Fooled No One -HOAX

I’m not surprised…I am more than mildly annoyed…Truthfully, I’m fuming and my blood pressure is thru the roof…My heart is racing and feels like its beating out of my chest-No need to prepare you for a rant…If you find yourself reading my blog, then you know there’s going to be a rant as well as some documenting of the facts. Not sure if this will be one very long post or if I’ll divide it out-Its just so damn unbelievable. Once again, a Marion County district attorney has laid out bullshit for the community to wade thru and baffle any attorney that reads this stuff.

Only in Marion County can a Civil case be classified as Criminal in a court that is not allowed to hear a state criminal case yet has two court appointed attorneys (what were they thinking???…Oh they didn’t realize…that’s pretty scary within itself) but then on appeal it goes to another court lacking subject matter jurisdiction over the Civil appeal…Criminal is Criminal and Civil is Civil-Never the two shall meet…But in Marion County they can…

I have said this numerous times over the years that there is no justice in Marion County and the place is lawless including the ‘new’ District Attorney for the state, DA Angie Smoak or is that DA Angie Schmuck?!? The community is in shock tonight wading thru the absolute bullshit that this district attorney attempted to pull off but once the information settles, truth surfaces if you know the law concerning animal cruelty.

No where does the Texas Health and Safety Code that addresses animal cruelty does it allow for a Grand Jury-but Smoak made an attempt to pull it off.

Seriously?!? None of the people that has ever been accused ever had the benefit of a grand jury-This is not how animal cruelty cases are to be handled as dictated by the state.
The handling of such cases is very specific. See TX Health and Safety Code, Title 10 Health and Safety of Animals, Chapter 821-829
Refers to Disposition of Animals and refers exactly how it is to be prosecuted when criminal charges are filed.
If law enforcement and the judicial system of Marion County don’t get this right then I venture to say they have abused this community beyond what anyone could even imagine!!!
GRAND JURY Marion County

Note: She still states alleged and she is non-specific pertaining to the 70+ dogs being in inhumane conditions. Animals are considered perishable evidence and immediate rescue with or without a warrant it wouldn’t matter in this case considering the retched conditions for animals putting them in harms way. All the rescuers were residents of Marion County and ignored by the sheriff department as well as the Jefferson Police Department. If anything, they would be considered witnesses…But Smoak figured she would appease the residents of the county; Carolyn Wedding is her friend and a board member is the wife of the new County Judge LeFleuer.

By law the CEO and the board members would be held responsible-What a scandal…No matter what Smoak does its a scandal…but she’s a snake with a community crying foul-From the start she stated she needed to hold a Grand Jury and she guided it to suit the need. No only that, but this so called Grand Jury was loaded-When I first saw the item in the Jimplecute, I asked if the jury contained city council members and guess what…It did!!! Holy Smoak what were you thinking?!? There was at least one council member as identified by a witness who was there to testify….

INTERESTING and should be noted-No one called the vet who was hired to take charge of the 70+dogs…The rules of the Texas Health and Safety Code 821-829 weren’t applied-What’s going on here?!? I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on-KANGAROO Court…Marion County is famous for them…This time designed to fool the community-Epic FAIL!!!

Kangaroo court

When there are numerous complaints filed with the Attorney Generals office, the Texas Rangers and the FBI someone is bound to take notice.

How about I include just a few comments that I read today to finish this post off-tomorrow this will continue.

“In Marion County, TX., it’s legal to have 70+plus neglected dogs, 3 freezer full of dead dogs and a stabbed dead puppy .”


“Sweetheart, I am so proud of you for standing your ground, upholding your convictions, and being naive enough to still believe that “justice would prevail”

“After spending the entire day with you as witness after witness went into the grand jury room and thereafter emerged totally dumbfounded that no questions were asked regarding the conditions of the abused animals, their strategy was apparent.”

“The DA had obviously structured the “dog and pony show” so that she could later state that the Grand Jury did not find sufficient evidence to indict. As I sat outside the grand jury room, never did I see anyone from the Marshall Animal hospital show up to testify as to the abusive conditions of the dogs they treated, no local vet to testify whether he authorized the “euthanasia” or killing of the three freezers of dead dogs, no expert witnesses on the level of contaminants present at the facility, and so on, and so on.”

“As a witness before many grand juries I know well that the entire process is orchestrated and controlled by the DA. If the DA wants an indictment it will happen. If not, no way in hell will it happen. ”

“Curiously, as I walked into the courthouse before the commencement of the proceedings I was approached by a prior DA who reminisced about a previous animal abuse case prosecution where they called in experts from Arlington, measured the level of contaminants present, etc. He commented that they got a conviction and the perpetrator is still on probation. ”

“The fact that none of that investigation was replicated on this case (which was much worse) can only point to the bias and desire of those in charge to insure the outcome of a No Bill.”

“After speaking to judges in surrounding counties I had been previously cautioned as to the “pervasive corruptness” that they saw as existing in Marion County for years, if not decades. I chose not to believe those allegations, and, instead to wait and make my own decision. Well, that decision is now clear and evident. It’s so sad, because we deserve more.”

“Again, thanks for your efforts and for being a champion for the true underdogs of our county. I love your passion and commitment. But most of all, I love you!”


“all of this makes me ill. Since I moved here I have watched good honest working people get their names ran through the mud, my name included, crimes that go unpunished, people not getting the help they need because of who they are or where they live, businesses hurt because of what or who they support. This is a small town and county, this isn’t New York. If they want JFK status, then they are in the wrong place. We need strong leadership here, our judicial system is a complete failure here, Hell our city government is a failure and this is sad. If I was any of these people I would not be able to sleep or look at myself in the mirror. I have friends who this system has failed, shot the system failed my husband and I and now this with the Dixie humane society, I am blown away. Guess I have the wrong type of friends if I need any assistance in Jefferson. I love Jefferson and for the most part the residents of Jefferson. It just sucks that the underbelly of Jefferson it government and judicial system makes it an ugly place. So I guess if you are an animal, a child who is touch by an adult or a person who is the victim of someone trying to hurt them, look some place else for help or action cause unless you are Jefferson elite, you won’t find assistance here.
Sorry for the confusing rant, I am just so unbelievably upset at how wrong this is”


One of my numerous comments-

“Please see Texas Health and Safety Code 821-829
No where does it state that a Grand Jury is to be called. This is a rather bogus attempt to allow a Wedding to go free and was at taxpayer expense. How many city council members were on the jury? Gives new meaning to jury of your peers doesn’t it!?! All hand picked to suit the need…Grand Jury while others are denied a jury-interesting isn’t it!?!”

“I expect them to be dipping into the funds for the Courthouse restoration…Keep your eyes on that money and hold them accountable…Actually, it’s not possible to hold them accountable and this proves it.”


Those of you reading this can help-Call the Texas Attorney Generals office and advise them that the corruption  runs deep in Marion County; both law enforcement and the judicial system…This one case demonstrates how horribly corrupt it is for members of the community. Surely somebody knows someone who can make a big difference for the people who reside there #MarionCountyMatters

Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion n and the opinions of other…Stay tuned, follow this blog…there will be more -B







I’ve waited years for the officials in Marion County to be caught. It wasn’t a high profile case that was never prosecuted even though it should have been looked into with every reason for concern for a proper investigation as our civil liberties were severely abused with an extreme loss of property. Nope it was a simple matter of the sheriff disrespecting the citizens with a FB post of the official FB government site for the sheriff department.

Sheriff Elmer

This was not the first time McKnight has lied…He has always lied-When he was growing up they called him the school bully…While no one was paying attention to the deputy who was relatively new on the job in 2010…He made his way to sheriff based on lies on top of lies. From what I’ve been told, about the only time the county was run accordingly was way back when Attorney James Finstrom was the district attorney-I wasn’t around at that time but I know him  and he testified in court, as a character witness, and when asked if he truly believed what we were accused of his reply was NO!!! Too bad the fake County Judge wasn’t listening…but he was hearing a case outside of his jurisdiction-What does an accountant know about law?!? He sure did know it was beyond his jurisdiction. (TX Government Code 26.258) Swept it under a rug now surfacing again and again in social media.

OMG they stole Kenny 2

Now what appears as a simple innocent thing to an outsider-The citizens in Marion County are not taking this lightly and neither is the asst Attorney General of the state of Texas-She’s soon to hear from us! Maybe now that the Jimplecute got their attention they will look into ALL the corrupt officials of Marion County and ‘clean house’ once and for all.

Take my advise McKnight-step away because the freight train of your continued lies is coming your way. From the first night we met and the lie about Wedding being in charge of animal control for the county (She most certainly was NOT) to Elmer revealing the truth about what kind of bully you truly are!!!

There s nothing worse than a county official disrespecting it’s citizens including Angie-the latest District Attorney for the state of Texas who is refusing to charge Wedding for a long list of crimes. What does it say when a district attorney is friends with the lowest of criminals like Wedding!?! The previous District Attorney now court appointed attorney for the county forces the people who he is supposed to represent to cop a plea? That broke numerous civil liberties while acting as the district attorney for the state and now county attorney-Gleason…You bet this asst Attorney General for the state of Texas will be hearing from us!!! Exactly how can a court appointed attorney also represent as the county attorney-HUH?!?!
Wedding McKnight Award

Thank you Bob Palmer for staying on top of this!

Hacking Claims False; Text Messages Show Sheriff Made ‘Elmer’ Facebook Post

Jimplecute News Editor

JEFFERSON – In a text message to Chief Deputy Frank Cason, Sheriff David McKnight admitted he made the satirical “Elmer” post on the Marion County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page on April 24.
A letter, containing copies of the text messages, dated June 3 from County Attorney Angela Smoak arrived at the Jimplecute office Thursday morning. The Jimplecute sought the text messages through a Texas Public Information Act request 15 business days ago on May 15.
McKnight’s exchange with Cason occurred the same night the post announcing the hiring of Elmer as the county’s new animal control officer appeared on Facebook, April 24.

Copy of text message exchange between Marion County Chief Deputy Frank Cason and Sheriff David McKnight April 24, 2019.
Cason – “Did you post something on Facebook about Elmer?”
McKnight – “Yes he starts next Monday.”
McKnight – “I was trying to piss of (sic) the shaw bunch. I think I was successful.”
“We would like to introduce Elmer,” the announcement read. “Elmer will specialize in animal control and will be a perfect fit with our constituents who are concerned with our furry friends. Elmer says, ‘If you want them caught, fed or skint, just flag me down.’”
In an interview with the Marshall News Messenger published April 25, McKnight claimed the department’s Facebook page had been hacked.
“I don’t know how it happened,” McKnight told the News Messenger. He added, “We didn’t make this post, someone had to have hacked into the account somehow but I took it down.”

In the same news story, Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur supported McKnight, yet called for the facts to be known.
“I share the concern regarding this post. As you know Brook (LaFleur) and I have worked
tirelessly towards ensuring the wellbeing of our homeless pet population,” LaFleur told the News Messenger. “As for the content of this post, I’m inclined to believe that the sheriff’s post was somehow hacked.

Screenshot of “Elmer” status update posted on the Marion County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page on the evening of April 24, 2019.
“As you recall, Sheriff McKnight, despite the baseless accusations levied against him during the Dixie Animal Shelter crisis, wrote a pretty compelling op-Ed to our local paper in which he called for all parties to move forward,” he said. “Given that, let’s not jump to any conclusions until more information becomes available.
“As a judicial officer, I always base my conclusion on fact and fact alone.”

The contacted LaFleur, McKnight, and Cason for comment today but email requests were not returned.

Kimberly Shaw, a volunteer with Friends of Jefferson Animals (FOJA), did not find the post funny and McKnight’s admission targeting Shaw pathetic.
Shaw and other animal advocates stepped in following the collapse in December of the Marion County Humane Society and the Dixie Animal Shelter dumping almost 70 dogs on the community.
“All that my friends and I have wanted to do is to correct a travesty that allowed someone to milk untold dollars out of good-hearted people while letting animals suffer,” Shaw said. “To make fun of that in such a hideous way is unconscionable.”
Shaw denied she sought any advantage from the controversy.
“This has never been political for me,” Shaw said. “I believe Sheriff McKnight owes me, my husband and his [McKnight’s] constituents an apology, but more so, I believe (McKnight) should search his own heart to decide whether public service is really his true calling.”
Shaw also considered McKnight’s attack on a fellow peace officer, her husband Steven Shaw, a former Dallas Police Department officer, offensive. “I am hurt and appalled that a law enforcement official would intentionally do or say anything to publicly and personally attack a fellow law enforcement officer,” Shaw said after learning McKnight admitted to making the Elmer post.
Previously, McKnight accepted “full responsibility” for the Elmer post, but stopped short of admitting that he had personally made it. He has not made a public apology for the post or expressed regret.
McKnight also scoffed at possible fallout from the Elmer post.
“They [animal welfare advocates in Marion County] can’t do anything to me,” McKnight said to the Jimplecute on May 2 in regard to complaints that the “Elmer” post was inappropriate.
McKnight previously said he will not seek re-election. He has two years left on his current term.
In her cover letter to the Jimplecute, Smoak questioned the Jimplecute’s news coverage of the matter.
“Attached please find copies of the text messages requested in your previous PIA request. Personal information has been redacted as allowed under the act, however I believe that information is outside the requested time period,” Smoak wrote. “It is only included so that you would not assume, as you [Bob Palmer] are prone to do, that information had been left out. Again, I believe that you are already in possession of this information based on statements by your staff but it has been provided to you again herein.”
Jimplecute Publisher Mica Wilhite in a letter dated June 6, pointed out to Smoak the county has still not complied with the newspaper’s May 15 request.

“As you know, we requested ‘Records and copies of any electronic communication created, transmitted, received, or maintained on any device if the communication is in connection with the transaction of official business by Marion County for Sheriff David McKnight and Chief Deputy Frank Carson (sic) from April 17, 2019 through May 12, 2019,’” Wilhite wrote.
Wilhite went on to note, “As you know, text messages are only one type of electronic communication. We continue to look for your complete compliance with the PIA request with emails and social media messages as well as the results of Tamara Smith’s investigation.”
Assistant Texas Attorney General Tamara Smith has opened an investigation into Marion County’s failure to comply with the Jimplecute within the 10-day limit provided by law.


What others are saying:

“We knew David McKnight was lying all along. Someone so dishonest and lacking integrity isn’t worthy of the badge and should resign immediately. There is no defense of his actions that warrants any further support for this fool.
Not only do his actions and lies reflect his poor judgement and character, they mock every individual who stepped up in December and rescued the 80 abused and suffering dogs from the horrific conditions at the Dixie “Humane” Society. Every blanket, bag of food, leash, towel, monetary donation etc. generously offered was desperately needed and much appreciated. Donations and volunteers came from the area as well as from surrounding states. Good people- young and old- doing their best to come together to help these dying and abused dogs and show that Marion County is better than the horrible actions of a few citizens.
These people are who McKnight mocked in this post and his follow up interviews filled with his “we were hacked” lies.
Please share.”
Marion County deserves better.

“We knew from the beginning that the post on April 24 was not a hack and was directed at me and my husband.
To use his position and the office to specifically target and maliciously carry out a personal vendetta warrants an investigation and/or a resignation.
Sheriff McKnight’s actions go against everything he swore to uphold and protect when he took the job.”

“It’s pretty pathetic when a law officer thinks they are untouchable and above the law.
They are the worst ! They make it especially hard for respectable, ethical LEOs to do their jobs.”

“If he is willing to lie about a FB post, how can he ever been seen as a credible witness when it really matters… like on the stand when he’s testifying???”

“And what has our county judge said now? He wanted “the facts”! Now he has them! But we all know there is zero accountability in Marion county!”


Now if your confused, please see previous posts that began shortly after Thanksgiving last year. Google Marion County+topcatsroar and you will see this has gone on for many years and truth be told, Elmer would be a sincere improvement for sheriff than the one they’ve got, apparently Sheriff David McKnight knows it.

Exactly when was Gleason appointed County Attorney? Wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest for him to also be a court appointed attorney?!? hummmmmmmmm

Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned…Prepare to see what happens when people abuse their position that they have been entrusted with-The officials of Marion County are all liars and do not deserve to be in office. I’m hoping the Attorney General shuts them down for a full investigation on what really is going on in Marion County. -B

Kangaroo court


Not So Fast-Marion Co Sheriff’s Text Messages Prompts Attorney General Investigation

Woo-Hoo!!! I think McKnight messed with/threatened the wrong person…He has two years left on his current term but claims he will not be seeking re-election. Well of course not- the corruption is catching up with him…The lies…the trespassing…the theft of property…He’s knee deep in it and no one is watching the hen house.

All cases going back at least 12 years need to be investigated as well as the case against Carolyn Wedding that has not been charged…How many cases did they consider this animal abuser an expert witness…How many people has Gleason told to cop a plea and pled guilty or he won’t represent them while acting as a court appointed attorney-and how come he never challenged the taking and keeping of numerous animals without a search warrant or the proper procedure of a civil case? And what about that new District Attorney, Angie not pressing charges on her criminal friend Carolyn Wedding?!?! Why isn’t Sheriff McKnight going after the case which involves more than an animal cruelty case!?!
Wedding McKnight Award

McKnight and Wedding have worked together closely for years-I assume these corrupt officals are in fear of what Wedding might say…It really doesn’t matter what Wedding uses for her defense…everything she could expose is well documented-As concerned citizens watch all this, they aren’t letting it go and why should they?!?

McKnights only hope of remaining on the job would be to NOT be on the job and resign effective immediately. Two years is a long time to wait for a new sheriff in town!!!

Hell McKnight lied in a federal court case and no one even questioned it…Including the defense attorney-imagine that…

There’s new people trying to make Marion County their home, they have noticed plenty and demanding answers-So is the local newspaper, The Jefferson Jimplecute, Bob Palmer

‘Jimplecute’ Quest for Sheriff’s Text Messages Prompts Attorney General to Open Inquiry

Jimplecute News Editor
JEFFERSON – An assistant Texas attorney general said Friday her office will open an investigation into Marion County’s failure to provide copies of Sheriff David McKnight’s text messages and other forms of electronic communication requested by the Jefferson Jimplecute within the 10-day period provided by Texas law.

On May 15, the Jimplecute, acting under the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act, requested Marion County Auditor Shanna Solomon furnish the Jimplecute with “billing records for all electronic devices purchased or leased, paid for or expensed to Marion County for Sheriff David McKnight and Chief Deputy Frank Carson (sic) for the billing period that includes Wednesday, April 24, 2019.”

Additionally, “records and copies of any electronic communication created, transmitted, received, or maintained on any device if the communication is in connection with the transaction of official business by Marion County for Sheriff David McKnight and Chief Deputy Frank Carson (sic) from April 17, 2019 through May 12, 2019.”

The name of the Marion County Chief Deputy is Frank Cason rather than Carson.
Although Solomon did furnish billing records, copies of text messages and other forms of electronic communication were not delivered to the Jimplecute by May 30, the tenth business day following May 15.

Tamara Smith, an assistant attorney general in the Open Records Division, said she had received copies of correspondence between the Jimplecute and county officials, as well as, the Jimplecute’s Texas Public Information Act request.“We will be looking into it,” Smith said.

Assistant County Attorney William Gleason told the Jimplecute Wednesday that he had reviewed text messages from McKnight on Cason’s telephone.
“There are some that are embarrassing,” Gleason said. Gleason said he would deliver copies of the messages before 5 p.m. Thursday to the Jimplecute, but the deadline passed without the requested copies being delivered.

Solomon also verbally told the Jimplecute that the county’s cell phone provider had emailed that she could not ask for the copies. The Jimplecute has not been furnished with that message for review.

Attempts to reach Gleason on Thursday and Friday were not successful.
On May 29, Gleason in a response to the Jimplecute’s request, argued the TPIA request should be directed to Sheriff David McKnight.

“The Public Information Act designates each county officer as the officer for public information created or received by that person’s office,” Gleason wrote. “By way of example, the auditor is the officer’ custodian of records maintained in her office (i.e. billing records). But the auditor is not the custodian of records maintained by the sheriff’s office, the county attorney’s office or the district clerk’s office.”
The Jimplecute contended in a letter dated May 31, “cell phone text messages and other electronic communication requested by the Jimplecute can only be requested from Verizon by (Solomon), the auditor and custodian of the Verizon account, or any other county official that supervises official business conducted by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.”

A satirical post to a Facebook page entitled “Marion County Sheriff’s Department” on April 24 lit the fuse on the controversy resulting in the demand for the sheriff’s text messages announcing the employment of Elmer as the department’s new animal control officer.

Sheriff Elmer

“We would like to introduce Elmer,” the announcement read. “Elmer will specialize in animal control and will be a perfect fit with our constituents who are concerned with our furry friends. Elmer says, ‘If you want them caught, fed or skint, just flag me down.’”
The language of the post and its accompanying picture of what was later identified as an unkempt homeless man quickly stirred reactions from animal rights advocates.
“Ideally, all law enforcement officers would understand that animal welfare, public trust in the integrity of our judicial branch, and appropriate use of technology by those public servants are serious issues,” Kimberly Parsons, Friends of Jefferson Animals president, said.

Initially, McKnight told the Marshall News Messenger that he did not know who made the post. “I don’t know how it happened,” McKnight said, speculating the site may have been hacked. “We didn’t make this post, someone had to have hacked into the account somehow but I took it down.”

On May 2, however, McKnight said he accepted “full responsibility.”
“It’s my department and I’m the sheriff,” McKnight said.

In response to an earlier TFIA request, McKnight stipulated only he and Cason could post to the department’s Facebook page.
McKnight also revealed that no criminal investigation had been made, no one was punished for the post and no attempt had been made to contact Facebook to determine who may have made the post.

The Texas Public Information Act grants the public access to many government records. The Jimplecute pointed out to Gleason the records include text messages by government officials on both private phones and phones owned by the county.

“A Texas Attorney General’s ruling (No. 2011-08166) has determined text messages are public records. Phone calls and text messages made from cell phones either owned or paid for by the county are public records,” the Jimplecute wrote May 23. Personal electronic devices used for official business are also covered by TPIA.

Further, “the Facebook page, “Marion County Sheriff’s Department” is a de facto government site since the site is maintained by the Marion County Sheriff’s Department. Text messages relating to content of the site and postings to the site must be considered official business.”

“They [animal welfare advocates in Marion County] can’t do anything to me,” McKnight said to the Jimplecute on May 2 in regard to their complaints that the “Elmer” post was inappropriate.
McKnight previously he will not seek re-election. He has two years left on his current term.


Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others….Stay tuned and follow this blog -B



Sheriff Takes ‘Full Responsibility’ For Satiric ‘Elmer’ Facebook Post

Warning. it’s a long one and hope well worth it!

Are you suppose to excuse the mistakes made by one of the smallest counties in Texas for wrongful enforcement and prosecution because it is a small county or do you hold them to the letter of the law?

I watch what is happening in politics today and see a direct parallel comparison with what is happening today due to a faulty FISA Warrant based on a dossier bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC written by a British spy, Christopher Steele-now in hiding, and a wrongful case of animal cruelty. There’s an old saying concerning warrant -Stop them at the gate…Well what exactly does that mean? Go back to the warrant and the warrant affidavit which is supposed to be attached to the warrant for explanation providing a probable cause to grant that warrant…That would apply to any warrant. If the warrant affidavit lacks probable cause or contains lies and therefore can not be verified, then you can easily stop them at the gate however, that’s not as easy as it might seem and reason that there’s an investigation into the FISA Warrants (there were four issued from 2016-2017)

I have a search and seize warrant that was used to take animals but they failed to provide the affidavit to the warrant while serving the warrant…it was issued following three days of warrantless searches…It failed to provide any probable cause. Furthermore, when executing such a warrant there are parameters provided by law…that too was a fiasco. So rather than a concise well planned execution of a warrant it became more like a mob trespassing on private property taking as they pleased for much more than what was stated on the warrant.

Considering the three days of warrantless searches, it was known what would be needed to house the animals they were proceeding to remove and should have provided what was needed for that removal. Instead, they took what they needed as well as other property not listed on the warrant with no consideration to return any animal or the property. The warrant had a criminal number assigned to it but there wasn’t a call for arrest or a second warrant for the rest of the animals. That is extremely important -no citation was ever written for ‘the rest of the animals’ by a second judge…In other words, the rest of the animals was tossed into the mix. Citations were written for 10 animals five days later following the warrant and arrest.

The most interesting aspect is the affidavit to the warrant which was obviously written by the district attorney (Bill Gleason) plus, was written as if by the person who he (the district attorney) would appoint to serve the warrant. However, second person (David McKnight) was assigned to serve the warrant with a name of a deputy crossed off (Sean Cox) the warrant.

The topper was purposely sending it to the wrong court for the appeal (*see below} The county court of Marion County is not allowed to hear civil cases and the case mysteriously changed-Not that it ever was a criminal case in JP court, the defendants and their court appointed attorneys didn’t know-You are not provided court appointed attorneys for a civil case…So either those court appointed attorneys were in on it or it was improper representation…On appeal it was suddenly civil

OMG they stole Kenny 2

Notice Wedding taking property not listed on the warrant.

What judge is stupid enough to sign the warrant-JP Judge Lex Jones of Marion County, Texas, that’s who. All this without even reading the warrant affidavit which was built on hearsay as well as ‘possibly’ even though it was a known fact to be false. The contents of the affidavit read more like a bad joke. The warrant itself was vague at best without any direction as to what the officers were to take and from where they would be found. The warrant affidavit was asked for but McKnight had no clue what that was and simply said this is all you get-A green deputy, untrained in matters of law, who took an oath to obey the law was in charge of a search and seize…approximately a year later he helped Wedding trespass on John Wilson’s property with no warrant ever obtained and gave his dogs away…McKnight knew full well they were breaking the law. And Gleason knew full well about this dastardly deed -Not only did he do nothing to stop this unlawful theft of property but he proceeded to issue a warrant for John Wilsons arrest once he was released from the hospital.

The new district attorney is no better-maybe worse knowing full well that Wedding had not only committed a huge case of 78 counts of animal cruelty (yes the very same woman who ran around the county taking and doing as she pleased with citizens pets and having those citizens charged with cruelty -no matter there was no cruelty…)

Wedding committed bank fraud, she also collected donations without a not for profit license from the state or an IRS 501-c-3…But there’s more…She used collected funds for personal use as well. The board of directors denies knowing anything about anything with the new county judges wife as one of those board members…Oh Lordy, what a mess…

Lies beget lies and when caught, will lie some more…So what’s the REAL reason that Wedding has not been arrested or gone to court for her crimes-after all the people she pushed to be arrested, charged and prosecuted?!? Even more interesting, in our case, there was no criminal trial…imagine that…

Quick reminder of my last blog post:

Sheriff Elmer

How about an update…?!?

After seeing the news update I decided to see if the other paper picked it up and discovered the following message to me ….Followed by me letting her have it!!!

The writer’s name omitted even though she didn’t think twice about posting on a public form and how proud she is of what she helped do-Gag me…

I’m sorry you have the impression that nothing was done properly or legally in the border collie case. First hand, I can account for that situation, as I was there helping feed, water, and get those animals ready for transport, assisting Caroline and some of the owner’s family members (which alleviated the need for a warrant, as they came and worked getting the situation taken care of). None of us know when the crucial break from reality to incompetency will hit us, whether it be a stroke, senility, alzheimers, or a nervous break down; leaving one without the critical thinking skills to handle a given situation.The owner of the animals was in no shape to look after them and lived out of area. As far as his family knew, he’d been coming over taking care of them or finally selling them all; so no one really knew what was going on until it was way out of hand. The owner had one time been a top national breeder and trainer of border collies. The property was off the highway on a rural road and couldn’t be seen for the abandoned cars and bags of trash piled between the road and property. They had to come in with a bulldozer to clear the drive to get up to the house. The dogs had taken over a perfectly good brick home as their own. They all were placed with breed specific shelters. So blaming the Sheriff or Caroline, does no one any good. And sorry TopCatsRoar, I don’t know you, but I’m not ashsamed to post under my own name.

No excuse is acceptable-Of course the owner accepted help-She was in a daze with her husband in the hospital and promised there would be no arrest or charges…furthermore, she was not the owner of those dogs so don’t you dare claim you had any right to do what you did in partiscipating with that or the fact that McKnight ran over puppies…I know more about this than you obviously think I do lady. It’s called extortion and theft under color of law!!! That bulldozer did a lot of damage-seen with my eyes to the property…What you people did was terrorize every animal owner in the county…Don’t even get me going on Wedding-or I will open a can of worms for things that woman has done that you don’t really want to know…Most of it already exposed in my blogs Nine years of posts and never forgotten or gotten over it and the mob that invaded my property…Shame on you for not making sure it was done by the letter of law and shame on you for not making sure Wedding is charged 1) 79 counts of animal cruelty 2) Bank fraud 3) Collectiong donations for a none existant not for profit (obviously you think she was a not for profit-She is nothing more than a common thief and beggar) 4) Using funds collected for the care of animals at a shelter instead also used for personal use as well There was no accountability for any of the animals or the money- No different than STEALING Border Collies… And McKnight got an award from Wedding for helping her steal those animals…Not worth anything-it’s trash!

That was some board of directors…HA! By chance were you on the board of her pretend organization???

I cant help but wonder how many of those dogs were breed and sold and John Wilson was smeared in the news and thru the community-Still exists in blog posts.
And as for John; he never got over that-RIP my friend.

Oh Lordy it’s no wonder law enforcement and the courts in Marion County are completely out of hand!!! There’s no accountability for anything to this day…
Shall we talk about no ASL interpreter for the profoundly deaf…all the way thru a court hearing-funny, huh…the deaf defendant didn’t hear a thing beginning with three days of warrantless searches…Go ask McKnight about it and he’ll lie his way thru that as well-I have a copy in writing.

Oh and while looking into the sheriff’s department-How about the woman the put in a restraining chair and proceeded to taze her several times rather than take her to the hospital or called an ambulance…Hey, McKnight lied in and to federal court at least two times that I know of…Lock your gates and your doors day and night -What protection do you really have when they weren’t trained in matters of law or honor their oath of office!!! Phooey

Wedding McKnight Award

I kept saying to myself -why don’t you tell her how you really feel…LOL!!!
Here’s what I didn’t say to her however, it is now added to my reply-
Wedding was on line in a panic that the dogs had to be gone before John was released from the hospital-Didn’t that seem a bit odd-Maybe you should re-read the articles published in this paper and bet it remains on line in a number of places.
We met John after he was released from the hospital-there wasn’t anything wrong with him except for the shock that his dogs were gone that is…You helped destroy him and I want you to know that although you’ll never feel the pain from it.
You helped give away very valuable personal property from a long standing LEGAL owner-Don’t be so proud of your wrongful mis-deeds.
Do you know that it cost the Wilson’s $5,000.00 to hire an attorney to fight the charges against John? That’s some chunk of change-The attorney could barely believe the case-Of course she was able to get the charges dropped-TG!!!
Money doesn’t grow on trees-You people stole his livelihood.
I really liked the picture set up…NOT-They didn’t live in that house with no intentions to ever live there; why not give it to the dogs? Is there a law about that-no and didn’t actually matter, there was nothing lawful about it.
David McKnight is now the sheriff of Moron County…Dollars to doughnuts he’s still breaking the law! How about what others are saying about that…

Sheriff Takes ‘Full Responsibility’ For Satiric ‘Elmer’ Facebook Post

Above is the Facebook post made by the unofficial Marion County Sheriff’s Office account on April 24, 2019.
Jimplecute Editor
Marion County Sheriff David McKnight told the Jimplecute this week he accepted responsibility for a post to the “Marion County Sheriff’s Department” Facebook page that many found offensive.
“I take full responsibility,” McKnight said when given a Texas Freedom of Information request last week by the Jefferson Jimplecute. “It’s my department and I’m the sheriff.”
McKnight said he would deny the FOIA request since the Facebook page was not an official government location.
“It’s attached to a private email,” McKnight said. “Anyone can take a picture of a sheriff’s car and create a Facebook page.”
Asked whose email was linked to the page, McKnight admitted the email was his.

Previously, McKnight in media statements had asserted the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Facebook account had been hacked.

“We use the page to go on and post weather updates and things of that nature,” McKnight said. “We didn’t make this post, someone had to have hacked into the account somehow but I took it down.”
On April 24, a post on the Marion County Sheriff’s Facebook page announced the employment of Elmer as the department’s new animal control officer.
“We would like to introduce Elmer,” the announcement read. “Elmer will specialize in animal control and will be a perfect fit with our constituents who are concerned with our furry friends. Elmer says, ‘If you want them caught, fed or skint, just flag me down.’”
The language of the post and its accompanying picture of what was later identified as an unkempt homeless man quickly stirred reactions from animal rights advocates.
“Ideally, all law enforcement officers would understand that animal welfare, public trust in the integrity of our judicial branch, and appropriate use of technology by those public servants are serious issues,” Kimberly Parsons, Friends of Jefferson Animals president, said. “Everyone makes mistakes – but people of character admit their errors, apologize and make amends.”
The social media incident follows six months of controversy over the lack of sufficient animal control solutions in Marion County and the City of Jefferson following the two dramatic events involving upwards of 160 dogs found trapped in deplorable conditions.


It is doubtful that McKnight consulted with the Attorney General of the state of Texas concerning the FOIA…Then again, most things are not done in keeping with the letter of law thru the Marion County government agencies. No over-sight or accountability-We’ll see about that!!!


Well I did my rant for the night but I have one better -This writer will remain unknown as well as the comments…from a private FB wall-This gal is on the ball!!!


These ankles should be the only thing supporting David McKnight as sheriff of Marion County.

The night of his disgusting post on the Marion County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page, he is quoted in the Marshall News Messenger as saying “We didn’t make this post, someone had to have hacked into the account somehow but I took it down”.
Now in today’s Jimplecute, he takes full responsibility for the post and admits his email is the one attached to the page. Before he lied to the Marshall News Messenger, perhaps he should have remembered there is always a digital footprint and he shouldn’t brag to others about creating the post.
In the same MNM article, our county judge urged the community to wait for the facts before rushing to judgement.
Well, to the judge and our county commissioners- here are the facts. The sheriff of Marion County is an admitted liar who has abused the power of his position. By using the MCSO Facebook page to express his dislike for an issue critical to many residents of Marion County, he has shown he lacks the character or integrity vital for this leadership role.
At this time in our country, police officers are attacked and murdered almost weekly as hate groups have made our law enforcement officials a target of their despicable agenda. McKnight’s lies not only wipe out his credibility as an officer but also feeds into the distrust of law enforcement that these criminals thrive upon.
Why is this ok? Is is because you are friends with him? Go to church with him? Know his family? That is all the more reason to let him know he is no longer needed as sheriff of Marion County. He has willingly lied to you and is no longer worthy of the badge. We teach our children the importance of character and honesty. Are these values no longer important if the culprit is one of our friends?
Our county commissioners and the judge must speak out against this egregious behavior. Failure to do so only solidifies the growing distrust and cries of cronyism so rampant in our community.
Marion County deserves better.


Some of the comments:

very well said and yes you are correct it’s going to take real people with real values to change years of abuse in Jefferson and Marion County. I’ve been around the world and investigated some of the worst and the Jefferson hierarchy is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s a damn shame this town we all call home is being destroyed by these guys/gals. What’s even worse is when you show people actual facts and evidence they still don’t get it or you get the ole “that’s the way it’s always been” well it’s now catching up as Jefferson is a shell of what it was just six or seven years ago and the people that care aren’t even from here but live here because of the town. Now we have found out how screwed up things actually are!!! Keep up the good work we got this


A reply to a comment -I didn’t want to waste my time on the comment left-

Our county officials use social media to reach out to residents. We are also entitled to use the same forum- especially when they bring dishonor to their position through lies and dishonesty.

I hope you teach your children the value of integrity and good character as well as taking responsibility for their actions.

Please answer- why is David’s behavior ok with you? Instead of attacking and accusing us of “bashing”, reflect upon your stance and explain why a law enforcement officer should be allowed to not only abuse his power but lie to the media when he is caught. The honorable men and women of this country certainly do not need another “bad cop” fueling the hate spewed by those that wish them harm.

Perhaps you have never held a job involving a formal job description, an HR manual or a formal review process. If so, you would know that a job has expectations and responsibilities- as well as a code of conduct. Pointing out David’s failures in certain areas is not bashing- it is being accountable to the citizens of this county who pay his salary.


My question is where is the accountability and transparency ?
People should be held accountable for their actions.


When the people elect a Sheriff, this is the oath they take on the hand of the Bible.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

Now when an official is elected by the people and they do not uphold this oath, then The People have the right to make it know that this oath is not being upheld. This IS NOT bashing, this is information that is being put out there so The People can make an informative decision.


We all know an elected official can only be removed from office under certain circumstances. It can be for crimes of moral turpitude, a felony, or voluntarily stepping down. A lot of folks who have the best interests of this county in mind would lean toward that last choice. Of course that’s what a man of character would do.


To all the folks that keep saying leave it be, it’s counter productive, you’re hurting the county, stop bashing, move on, etc, let me pose this scenario. We have a list of alleged criminal acts that were not investigated by either law enforcement agency involved with the shelter….neglect/abuse/cruelty to animals, possession/use of a controlled substance by an unauthorized/unlicensed civilian, tampering/disposal of evidence of a crime, and malfeasance. We have two law enforcement agencies who have displayed gross negligence, favoritism, dereliction of duty, untruthfulness, mishandling of evidence, extremly unprofessional behavior, abuse of authority, intimidating/ridiculing citizens, and last but not least, reigniting the fiasco by misusing an official department social media page to ridicule those who stand up and call them out and then lying about that! So to all of you saying “sit down and shut up” let me ask you if this is the way you would want a crime against you or a loved one handled? I think not!


Maybe Mr H. is right. Maybe we should just let the good Sheriff finish out his career, such that it is. By the time any initiative to have him removed from office progresses, and it could be accomplished, his final term would be up anyway. He will leave office just the same, having been exposed for, and remembered by his lack of integrity, honesty, and character. Not exactly a good legacy to leave behind. Additionally, quite conceivabllly this could even affect a run for next sheriff by anyone else from inside the sheriff’s office, considering everything going on. It may be time for someone outside of the current administration to take charge. Just some thoughts from someone qualified to voice an informed opinion.

Had to reply to this one:

OK I don’t know you but consider the damage he can do in that position…It’s not that Marion Co deserves better, it’s that the residents of Marion Co deserve a lot better…Those judges and past judges no better and the only way you will get justice done will be from out of the county No one there is trained in matters of law with the exception of the DA and obviously she has no respect for the residents or her oath of office and every attorney in the county…Did you know…It’s an attorneys duty to speak up about corruption and mis-justice…they aren’t innocent-if anything also joined in …


He in no way should receive any retirement compensation (Paid by the taxpayers in the county) The courthouse shouldn’t be renovated…it should be torn down…

That’s it for now…I hope there will be more!

As a reminder, there is a disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned, there will be more -B

Kangaroo court

*Texas Government Code 26.258

The County Court of Marion County has the general jurisdiction of a probate court, general criminal jurisdiction, and juvenile jurisdiction as provided by Section 26.042(b) but has no other civil jurisdiction.

What the Heck is Going on in Marion Co Texas

Seriously? The new county judge isn’t even a high school graduate? I realize it’s a position for an elected official but this is way over the top. It’s not that Lex Jones was doing the job any better cause he wasn’t but seems to me that people in charge that hold court hearings, making decisions on residents in the county, should at least have some knowledge in law…I don’t mean to pick a fight with this guy but certain he was elected to that position because he married Dr. Bradley’s daughter…not on his own merit…now where have I heard that name before-The plot thickens-Don’t you just love small town politics? Just wait for it cause I don’t even know where I’m going with this as reason for this post…Lets just say this tiny, barely a dot on the map, is in the news a lot lately…Praise the day that property is gone!

Let me back up, it’s difficult to wrap my brain around all this…

Leward Lafleur is the county judge.  Only has a GED. [Note: this was a small county election with a lot of Bubbas in charge-It’s surprising that anyone votes!!!]

Brooke Bradley (Dr. Bradley’s daughter) is his THIRD WIFE.  He won just by putting the Bradley name out there and lying about his past.

He also has a daughter from when he knocked up some chick before he married wife #2.  That lady had to take him to court considering the fact that Lafleur was denying paternity.

Wife #2 said he was a horrible husband.  No regular job and always overdrawing their account at the casinos in Shreveport. WAIT…we’re talking about the new county judge-which is basically an administrative job…Oh Lordy

Lafleur lied to the press about a tax lawsuit from Gregg County.  He wasn’t paying taxes on a property.  He told the media it was property he inherited in the Longview area and that he was unaware.  Wife #2 said this was a lie and that they received notices constantly regarding the past due taxes.

Moving right along-

Brooke has been overheard saying she and Lafleur will be the next JFK and Jackie O. Of Podunk Moron County-That’s a real jewel of a statement…

All the people involved with the Dixie Humane Society previously known as the Humane Society of Marion County are all intertwined.

Brooke was the Dixie HS president but denied involvement all together when the truth was exposed. Brook is Dr. Bradley’s daughter and married to the new county judge-Dr. Bradley is a vet who had to know something was up.
Dr. Bradley must have been the one to provide Wedding with the euthanasia drugs.   She was killing animals on the Dixie HS site and I truly doubt it was done in accordance as specified by law. Dr. Bradley he did not go out there but all the same by supplying those drugs he would know how many animals had been or intended to be euthanized. Wedding said the dead animals in the freezer came from Dr. Bradleys office…Maybe what she meant was that the result of the drugs provided by Dr Bradley…

Bradley went strangely quiet as soon as the crap hit the fan for Wedding.  He also sent those involved in rescuing the animals from the Dixie HS certified letters dropping them (the ones speaking out about the horrible conditions there and still in need of an actual rescue center) as patients.  The letter said he was downsizing his practice but everyone knows otherwise. [Note: no one downsizes their business turning away current patients it’s customary to no longer accept new patients however, it’s not a super busy office either.]

The DA, Angie Smoak, is a close friend of Brooke’s.  Amburn is a tight friend of  Wedding and even wrote “Happy Birthday Friend” on her Facebook page in January.

Birthday wishes Wedding
Betty McKnight is Sheriff McKnights wife…
Supposedly the results of Amburn’s “investigation” are sitting on Smoak’s desk.  She will NEVER bring this to a Grand Jury. Grand jury?!?…now that’s funny-no one puts together a grand jury over an animal cruelty issue…especially when Texas has set regulations on how to handle cruelty cases and they still don’t have a clue about processing a case in regards to the law. There’s also a matter of embezzlement of the funds intended for the humane society…the lest of issues goes on and on.

Bob Avery and his wife Kay funded many Dixie HS items (the van etc.) and then LIED that there was ever a Dixie board to oversee anything.  Everyone knows otherwise and they have the minutes from an August meeting as well as screenshots of incriminating Facebook posts.

But the law here (Marion Co) DOES NOT CARE.   Misappropriated city funds, collection jar donations misused, dead animals, abused animals- but no one will do or say anything because it involves their friends.
Marion County Judge

Stupid Bob Avery is an attorney yet he was too dumb to make sure Dixie HS was set up as a proper 501c3.  There is no Dixie Humane Society registered with the state.  Plus, Wedding was the only person on the bank account with no oversight. How dumb is Avery???? Frankly, no dumber than to rest of the gaggle of attorneys in Marion County.

Its also known there was no accountability for anything with Wedding at the helm…Not the animals, not her purchases, not nothin’ I can only imagine Wedding spilling all the dish she has on the entire county…She could easily strike a deal for spilling the beans…any place except Marion County that is.

Now I’m sitting here knowing all this when another bit of information came shooting at me with the worst kind of fast ball.

I found it odd that the new county judge, Lafleur, would leave his position and become a judge fulltime but figured that would become known soon enough-Boy did it ever!!!

This guy is in charge of what?!? Oh Lordy you just can’t make this stuff up!!!


[NOTE: Video can be viewed at the link]

Historical Marion County Courthouse to undergo multi-million dollar restoration

JEFFERSON, TX (KLTV) – They have been raising money since 1999 for it, and talking about it even longer than that, but it’s finally going to happen: The Historically Designated Marion County Courthouse is going to be renovated. Now that the funding is in place, and a contractor hired, we take a look at the temporarily empty courthouse.

It’s been standing in downtown Jefferson since 1913, and has gone through a few changes, but Marion County Judge Leward LaFluer says it’s going to be fixed back to original. Joe R. Jones Construction got the winning bid to just that.

“It’s overseen by the Texas Historical Commission, so basically what they’re going to do is they’ve got all the specs of what this courthouse looked like; the flooring, the granite walls, all the arbitrary fixtures, and they’re going to put it back just the way it was built,” LaFluer said.

Marion County asked for a grant in 1999, and recently the Texas Historical Commission had good news.

“We were the recipient of a $4.7 million grant this award cycle,” LaFluer revealed.

And since 1999 the county has raised about a million for the renovation. They had to vacate the courthouse to have the work done so:

“We bought a building, and it saved the taxpayers a tremendous amount of money over the next two to three years in rent,” LaFluer stated. There are stories permeating the building, like in the courtroom where every judge taking the bench rests a hand in the same place as they walk by which has worn the woodwork.

Komatsu Architects were hired to get the restoration correct based on:
“A sister courthouse up in the panhandle: Roberts County. They did a renovation I want to say five to ten years ago and everything is just about like ours,” LaFluer explained.
The floating ceiling will go, and so will a lot of 1970s paneling. LaFluer says, bottom line:
“It will look like a completely different building.”

Maybe they’ll get the sliding cabinet on the judge’s bench opened. The key was lost and it’s been locked for years. They have no idea what’s in there.
And below the vaulted County Clerk’s office is what Judge LaFluer calls a secret room; spiral stairs in the floor leading to..


You can follow the link for the video showing the hidden room but then you have to waste a lot of time watching the entire video until the end which reveals a prison like structure located under the clerk of the courts office. It likely was a holding area back in the day that building was built. The sheriffs office and the courthouse are all together located just behind the courthouse and across the street from the local bar and grill.

No matter what changes they make to that building-the corruption is apparent in the court cases. Now here’s where I see trouble starting as they likely will be able to misplace or even destroy cases they don’t want revealed…such as the fake animal cruelty cases with Wedding staking a claim to the animals and pushing for full prosecution. They gave her a free get out of jail card…Ringing in my ears is a statement made to us-It’s just business, nothing to worry about-Don’t take it personal-Boy what a smart ass statement that was when you consider the value of more than $300,000.00 compared to Wedding having nothing in it and able to live off the green pasture she created for herself…

Many of the animal cases are lacking a civil hearing over the animals in JP court with a judge not trained in matters of law, or a criminal case heard by any judge or wrongly placed in the county judges office who by law can not hear civil cases as he too is not trained in matters of law and anyone can become one of those judges -Your education or lack of education doesn’t matter obviously as long as you have some connection such as the connection to Dr Bradley-Lafleur sure made it quick to county judge and will be in charge of a multi-million dollar renovation…Watch the money!!!-It’s going to flow once no one is watching but if your friends with the current district attorney-well that’s OK then; it won’t be prosecuted.

This type of small town corruption will continue until others in the community step up-For one, they need to vote and take over these elected positions of government power.

In the meantime members of the community can report this to the state authorities-Hey, the older court cases are already boxed and ready to be removed. They need to collect the cases from the DA, the sheriffs office reports and the jail. And I wouldn’t stop with state authorities who have provided a free pass for this county for years. All state and federal representatives need to be informed for action.

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton on line contact:

Texas Governor has several ways for contact:                             

Texas Rangers main office:

From the website:

Ranger Responsibilities

The Texas Ranger Division is the primary criminal investigative branch of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Murder, robbery, sexual assault, burglary, theft, and fraud;
bank fraud;
theft by credit card and computer generated counterfeit checks;
misuse of criminal history information;
misconduct and corruption of public officials;
threats against the governor and other state and federal officials; and
missing persons, parental abductions, questionable deaths and unidentified bodies

The activities of the Texas Ranger Division consist primarily of conducting criminal and special investigations, apprehending wanted felons, suppressing major disturbances, protection of life and property, and rendering assistance to local law enforcement officials in suppressing crime and violence. Programs under the direction and supervision of the Texas Rangers are:

  • Border Security – Ranger Reconnaissance Teams (Riverine operations);
  • Public Corruption investigations;
  • Major Case investigations;
  • Unsolved Crimes Investigation Program – Cold Case investigations;
  • Special Operations Group – Special Weapons and Tactics, Regional Special Response Teams, Crisis Negotiation Units and Explosive Ordnance Disposal;

[Ding-Ding-Ding so why didn’t he look into this problem?!? Oh I see the local Texas Ranger made a few calls and the county told him they were handling it-No not to the liking of the residents of Marion County-Time to become a nag and call again…Handling it really means I’m not doing anything about it…To Hell if she isn’t and can send the case to Texarkana]


Complaints need to go to all agencies until someone steps up to the plate for a full blown investigation into the affairs of Marion County



Texas division of the FBI, Tyler office:


I tried but needs to be more than just one voice-Explain what you know about what’s going on in Marion County -Had I known any of this I would have never relocated there in the first place!!! It’s cost me plenty including my career and life as I knew it just as it has for some many others who are tired of the double standard.

Remember, disclaimer connected to this blog, things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned -B










WOW! Elmer Surfaced in Marion County as the NEW officer in Charge of Animal Control

Been a long while since my last post but due to my frustrations I figured I needed to move on-but no, its not possible with sleepless nites and the burn in my gut that there had to be more to this story on Marion County. I decided to look up one of my contacts in the county and low and behold, I about fell off my chair at what I found:

Sheriff Elmer

Apparently this was posted on the county sheriff’s FB Wall-Damn, I missed that shot…and missed the comments,,,damn…Elmer McKnight…blink-blink Do my eyes deceive me-Actually, this might be considered an improvement…

I went to the article (below) and then back to FB for the comments….back to the article to see if there were comments…Seems a big question if this was a hack or did Sheriff McKnight do this himself to mock the community as he has a desk job now…Seems McKnight is unaware that the sheriff’s department is in charge of animal control by Texas law…so will the real sheriff McKnight please stand up???

Wedding McKnight Award

Here is the real Sheriff McKnight accepting his award from Carolyn Wedding (The local Humaniac from the last post) for officer of the year after providing all the help for stealing animals from their longstanding rightful owners in 2011, hummmm, maybe 2012-Well, what does it matter when? Point is he helped along with the local and state judges who prosecuted citizens or went to civil court over the ownership even when cruelty never existed…Didn’t matter and apparently still doesn’t…obviously when less than ten years later, Wedding is found out as a true abuser and hoarder yet was hired by the city of Jefferson for Animal Control-The horrid conditions discovered at Wedding’s Humane Society were really difficult to stomach!!!

The joke is no joke with McKnight still claiming he sticks to the facts when he had none and now that he does, isn’t seeing that justice is done-I can’t help but wonder if that stinking plaque is still hanging in his office or at home in his living room as a cherished award he’s received-[oh Lordy, I think I just barfed in my mouth a little] What a crock of shit. Maybe he took that stinking plaque and tossed it over the fence on my property which is just down the road from this piece of shit-let me add…less than a mile…And this is far from the only corruption in the county. The entire judicial system wreaks of corruption…Grand jury, my ass-never happened and nether was a single item stolen from our property ever been returned-As far as I know, they did nothing to the jerk who stole approximately $80,000. of valuable property from our property all because the DA refused to bring in an interpreter for the deaf -AGAIN!!! Again breaking ADA law…Very little was recovered as far as I know and seems to me whether of value or not, our property should have been returned…Never mind the sheriff freely takes property in Marion County and has allowed for Wedding to take as she pleased…

At one time I was very careful what I posted here and even hid the original blog during the court processing’s -it would not have been appropriate-Well the cases never went anywhere nach…Who was I to think that anyone in East TX would do the right thing-Oh Hell no, especially Marion County.

This new DA is a friend of Carolyn Wedding apparently so she won’t be prosecuted…What if one of her friends was a pedophile? Would that be overlooked as well…What about murder?!? What if Carolyn Wedding actually murdered someone???

Kangaroo court

No way would I believe that any of this would go on in any town thus less in a place I had chosen to relocate to in order to keep my animals from harms way-[least anyone forget the Humaniacs Angel of Death who she helped euthanize nearly half my animals without the first medical test, permission from the judge or the actual owner-There was no extenuating circumstance to seize any animal but what Wedding wants-Wedding got-That’s some animal rescue and what they didn’t kill directly they killed due to lack of husbandry skills for the animals in that vets office…Many animals died in their hands or at the places they were sent…I was so horrified I could barely make it out of my bedroom for years. [No worries my friends…I am no longer residing in Marion County and what it took to leave and the conditions I was willing to accept until I could improve my living standards to get away is a story for anther day or maybe left untold]

I takes gall to refuse the residents of justice to be served especially after falsely processing most of those cases however considering that most of the cases that are put thru their courts are nothing more than a joke on the residents-No justice is ever served there and for longtime residents, they don’t have a clue what justice even is beyond a storybook tale…

OMG they stole Kenny 2
Marion County

Marion County Sheriff: “Facebook account hacked”


Marion County Sheriff David McKnight said late Wednesday that the department’s official Facebook page had to have been hacked when a joke about the county’s recent animal control problems was posted, enraging residents.

“I took it down. I don’t know how it happened,” McKnight said Wednesday. “I had to get my son to show me how to get on there and remove it. I took it down and changed the password.”

A Marion County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post late Wednesday appeared to make light of the county‘s ongoing animal control and animal welfare problems and residents expressed outrage over the ill advised post.

“I am livid,” Friends of Jefferson Animals member Laura Goldman said. “This is disgusting. They need to issue a public apology and get off their butts and do something to actually help the problem.“

The post, which included a photo of a homeless Pittsburgh man from a CBS News story in 2013, said the homeless man would now be in charge of the animal control situation in Marion County — insinuating the homeless man would skin and eat which ever abandoned animals were found.

“We would like to introduce Elmer, the latest addition to our dedicated staff,” the post said. “Elmer will specialize in animal control, and we believe that he will be a perfect fit with our constituents who are concerned with our furry friends. Elmer says ’If you want ‘em caught, fed, or skint, just flag me down’. Welcome, Elmer!”

The post was then flooded with angry and disbelieving comments from residents, including many Friends of Jefferson Animals (FOJA) members, a nonprofit group that has taken over the task of caring for, rounding up, fostering and adopting the abandoned and abused animals in the county.

McKnight said he and his chief deputy, who was out of town Wednesday, are the only people with access to post on the page and neither of them made the post Wednesday.

“We use the page to go on and post weather updates and things of that nature,” McKnight said. “We didn’t make this post, someone had to have hacked into the account somehow but I took it down.”

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur urged community members to wait for the facts before rushing to judgement on Wednesday.

“I share the concern regarding this post. As you know Brook (LaFleur) and I have worked tirelessly towards ensuring the well being of our homeless pet population,” LaFleur said. “As for the content of this post, I’m inclined to believe that the sheriff’s post was somehow hacked. [Bloggers note: Ahem…She’s the wife of the new county judge-I think I’m choking]

“As you recall, Sheriff McKnight, despite the baseless accusations levied against him during the Dixie Animal Shelter crisis, wrote a pretty compelling op-Ed to our local paper in which he called for all parties to move forward,” he said. “Given that, let’s not jump to any conclusions until more information becomes available. [Bloggers note: Is he joking or what?!? Sure was quick to give new meaning to the Welcome Wagon with 3 days of warrant-less searches…just for starters]

“As a judicial officer, I always base my conclusion on fact and fact alone.” [Just give him the facts and nothing but the facts and he’ll base his conclusion on it-Straight out of a 1950s detective show. Dragnet must have been the school for law enforcement that he attended]

FOJA took charge of the county’s animal control and welfare problem after the Marion County Humane Society’s former director Caroline Wedding was found in December to be hoarding more than 80 dogs and cats on the Humane Society‘s property.

The dogs were in poor health, living in filthy conditions and some were found dead inside buildings on the property.

Wedding has not yet faced charges for the situation regarding the dogs and FOJA was formed by area residents in order to rescue and find homes for the dogs. All but one has been adopted and currently remains in a foster home with a volunteer.

“This is the type of unprofessional law enforcement we are forced to tolerate here in Marion County, Texas and the city of Jefferson, Texas,” Facebook commenter Michelle Ready posted Wednesday. “If you have any doubt how corrupt, incompetent, and biased they are, go to the Facebook page of Friends of Jefferson Animals and see how they ignored 80 plus dogs living in filth, squalor, lacking food and medical treatment and they failed to charge the persons responsible because she was ’a friend.‘

“Then they threatened to charge volunteers who rescued the dogs with tampering with evidence in an effort to intimidate them and excuse the lack of criminal charges.”

Most recently, several Dallas/Fort Worth area rescue organizations have traveled to Marion County to rescue dozens of abandoned and malnourished dogs found at Lake of the Pines.

“This is the biggest slap in the face to everyone who has stepped up and helped and did what the city and county refused to do,” Goldman said. “This post is not a bit funny. I’m sitting here right now looking at one of the dogs rescued from Lake of the Pines.

“We are doing everything on our own, raising money and working hard to save these animals with no help from the county or city,” she said. “There is definitely division in this county. It’s us against them and all we want them to do is follow the law.”


I’ll repeat in case someone from Marion County is actually reading my post-

By Texas law, the sheriff’s department is in charge of animal control for the county…comments I’ve read include a discussion as to whether or not McKnight did this himself to mock the residents…or a hack to sling mud in his face…But one thing for sure, residents should have already been complaining to the Attorney General of the state, the governor, TX Rangers and both state and federal representatives to look at case files from the sheriff department and case files of the court-Just a reminder a woman was taken to the jail that they thought suicidal rather than take her to the hospital, strapped her in a restraint chair and tazed her several times, over and over again-Rises to a new meaning for unconsented shock therapy-

Well my sweeties it’s time to close this post for now-I’ll try to be more attentive and post updates…As a reminder, there is a disclaimer connected to this blog, Things said are of my opinion and the opinion of others…Stay tuned and follow this blog…I do believe it’s time for action and will advise of more on what to do for action…Follow this blog -B


“As a judicial officer, I always base my conclusion on fact and fact alone.”-McKnight

Trouble is Brewing-Careful of What You Do to Others-It Just Might Come Back to Bite You in Your Arse

What karma will you receive when you practice to deceive!?! My response and the news article will follow-Don’t even ask about my anger right now …I might be blowing wordpress out of the water ya think?!?

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Image may contain: dog


What a crock of corruption…
What does it matter, her health that is, what has it mattered for anyone else? We sure don’t give a crap and wish her karma coming right back on her and the rest of those county officials.

This canary can sing-just as they fear Carolyn Wedding will on them that I’m telling the truth!!! Not that I’d take it that far -see the court records!!!

I had every dime spent moving to Marion County with my animals and 2 weeks later they were on us with their three days of warrantless searches , helicopters and assault rifles for an older man and woman. Helicopters and the district attorney (Gleason) invited the media to a raid-We remember the helicopters and the threats of arrest from McKnight of an altercation that would take place if I didn’t get back from blocking the media and a mob of people onto my new secured PRIVATE farm property-That was some welcome wagon-I had heard of places like this but not in my worst nightmares!!! Helicopters -Do you hear me!!!

Arrest was instantly made with a faulty warrant and the massive continued civil liberty abuse on our arrival to Marion County with my property paid in full and following a 1200 mile relocation move.

We appealed their civil case, Finstrom and Abrams dropped us a court appointed attorneys following the JP Court and would not even consider taking the case…on appeal-see the heading of the case was criminal but no one knew including those attorneys that it was civil in JP Judge Lex Jones court-We were given a big run around to appeal the case so Lex Jones placed the case in County Judge Parkers court but isn’t it beyond interesting that the Texas Constitution forbids the county court from hearing a civil case we learn some 7 months later Texas Government Code 26.258 -READ IT!!!
That judgement is moot and the loss was $307,00.00 of animals and other property NOT even listed on the warrant…

The law?!? What are you talking about ….WE WERE DENIED A JURY!!! Can you say another Kangaroo Court in Marion County….And what about the money Wedding likely embezzled? Oh no this has been a one woman show since 2007-Take this to that council meeting…Maybe weak kneed Bubba Haggard would have been better off listening instead of stuttering and quickly hanging up the phone-Who voted for that idiot!?!”

It’s all HogWash Wedding remains at large and those of us wrongfully loosing valuable property know all about PROPERLY FOLLOWING THE LAW!!!

Too bad John Wilson didn’t live to see this!!! McKnight and Wedding gave his dogs away to any Tom Dick or Harry while the man was in the hospital; with no warrant, no hearing and no criminal trial-I found him an attorney and he said the best money he ever spent Oh yes, he was arrested and charged after he went to the sheriffs office to find out about his dogs….

Want more I can sure give it to you!!! They LIE -The corruption runs deep in one of the smallest counties in Texas…Once you have everything that meant anything taken away then I have no fear-I have nothing more to loose now do I-They sure did destroy my life as I knew it for more that 2 decades.

I started to tell Bubba all this and the man began to stutter and had to hang up Well folks, looking the other way doesn’t make it go away and renovations to that courthouse is not an excuse to loose official documents and files-We’re watching from afar-Abut we have numerous friends besides ourselves all watching that crummy little place with people who think themselves bigger than their shoes…I write-can you tell -I’m trending with this story and this another post to be added…Watch out there’s nothing worse than someone with nothing to loose seeking justice!!!

As a member of the public (tax paying property owner) we will notify the court we want and ASL interpreter for a deaf man who will be in attendance and requires services…As a matter of fact a certified letter will be sent to district attorneys office tomorrow.

That property has since robbed considering we fled the county and Texas with the clothes on our backs…Oh they did not want to provide an interpreter…as far as we know the thief is still at large and no restitution paid. Well that’s too bad now isn’t it !?! We still own that property and as property owners in Marion County, it remains our community and public concern!!!

We seek justice-They need to start resigning and turning in their badges; we’re watching and more importantly we’re informing…Go look in the court and police files 2010 and 2011 for the two cases mentioned!!! Can you say Texas Rangers or the FBI?!?

Look at these pictures just sent to me-Breaks my heart!!!


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Image may contain: dog
Get a load of this crap:

Jefferson police chief seeks to file charges in animal shelter case

  • Updated

JEFFERSON — Jefferson’s police chief told a crowded Jefferson City Council chamber Tuesday night that authorities are in the process of filing charges after unsanitary and deplorable conditions for nearly 80 dogs were discovered recently at the Humane Society of Marion County.


Though the animal shelter was not on the agenda for the special meeting of the council, Mayor Charles “Bubba” Haggard offered an update to residents filling the room. Police investigated the conditions, which included filthy, uncovered kennels and dead dogs stored in freezers in a storage building, after a report filed by a concerned volunteer who was at first denied entrance to the shelter.

Jefferson Police Chief Gary Amburn confirmed the conditions found at the shelter.

“All of that is true, and it was a mess. In the process, we began the process of filing a charge, if there is going to be one filed, with the District Attorney’s Office,” Amburn said. “It’s my intention to take this case to the DA as soon as we can. I’m going to ask that it goes to the DA and then see if it can go before a grand jury.”

The exact timing of the report is a source of debate between Amburn and Gayle Robinson, the volunteer who filed the initial report.

“Dec. 10 is when my officers went out there to do the report,” Amburn said.

But Robinson contested that date.

“I filed the report on Thanksgiving Day,” Robinson said.

“Well, I got it on Dec. 10,” Amburn said. “That’s when we went out there.”


Robinson and other volunteers who reported the conditions have voiced frustration recently over the length of time it took Humane Society of Marion County board members and Jefferson police to respond to the reports of abuse and neglect.

The dogs have since been taken in to receive care and boarding at Marshall Animal Hospital.

“Irregardless of when it was or when it wasn’t, this is the problem we are trying to solve at this point, and we have done our investigation. And we do find significant amount of problems there, and we’re not covering anything up, and we’re working diligently to take care of this,” Amburn said.


The chief also said an investigation is continuing into former shelter Director Caroline Wedding, who lived in a building on the shelter’s property.

Wedding was terminated by the board recently and forced to move out of the building last week. Upon her moving out, volunteers cleaning up found more dead dogs in the building where Wedding lived and in other buildings on the property.

Audience members at the council meeting asked Amburn why Wedding has yet to be arrested or charged.


He said police don’t know what Wedding’s “mental capabilities” were at the time of the abuse and neglect of the animals, though an investigation continues.


“We have 78 animals we have that we are working with. … We have to file a case, and then the district attorney has to go in, and she does her part of it. That’s why. That’s the way it is. That’s what the law says we have to do. It hasn’t been proven there was cruelty, because we don’t know what her mental capabilities were.”

Audience members seemed baffled by Amburn’s response.

“Thanksgiving, I filed a report with your officer,” Robinson said. “I tried to file an animal cruelty charge, and you told me there was no way it was going to happen.”

Amburn then explained that he had to first build a case and take it to the district attorney, Angela Smoak.


Robinson, in return, charged that Amburn had let his personal opinions about Wedding bias the investigation from the beginning.

“You told me there was no way (Smoak) was going to prosecute Caroline Wedding,” Robinson said.

Amburn agreed.


“I don’t think she will,” Amburn said. “I don’t think Caroline Wedding is mentally capable of a prosecution. … But what I think doesn’t mean anything. I’m telling you what I thought.”


Haggard then called a halt to the back and forth by reminding everyone the issue of the Jefferson shelter was not on Tuesday’s meeting agenda.

Audience members attempted to ask about the shelter’s board and its role of accountability in the conditions at the facility, but Haggard told the crowd the city has no control over the Humane Society of Marion County board, though the city does give taxpayer funds to the shelter and most recently gave the shelter a $13,000 check in October.


“I do know that check was deposited,” Haggard said. “I asked the chief (Tuesday) to subpoena the checkbook records of Dixie Humane Society (now Humane Society of Marion County), and he said I’d have them some time (Wednesday). Hopefully, we’ll have some answers soon.”

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They won’t go look -all these papers know it and while we won nothing in any suit -of course not they aren’t going to allow their buddies to loose and the judge on the media case is a complete ignoramus…Fear of the media loosing ….Oh no couldn’t have that…We were literally swept under the carpet in Marion County-Destroyers of lives
Well I saved every penny to move and managed-Those poor people who remain…They deserve better!!!
Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of other…Their Karma is coming to get them-Anything happens to us while we’re there Then you know where to look…Follow this blog and share wildly!!! -B
Bloggers note: Robin Richardson is aware of all the civil liberty abuse we endured-She wants nothing to do with this one
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City Council Meeting was documented on FB:
Funny whoever is in charge stated this issue wasn’t slated to be discussed yet its the only topic they discussed-Maybe the city folk interrupted something like their yearly Christmas party with eggnog and rum…
Did he say unfit to stand trial and needed a grand jury to decide…Oh Lordy they plan on looking the other way and writing off that thirteen thousand dollar check he had just handed her in October. Guess its time to just raise the taxes again county wide to cover for yet another screw-up!!!
Looking back to what they found on our property -it was normal average messes that animals make on a day to day basics that were cleaned daily even after being kept up to after 2 am when they finally left and we could feed and water and care for our animals…
Investigate-WOW-this was reported BEFORE Thanksgiving and the Police chief didn’t respond until December 10th-Of course by then there would be dead dogs and then stated they were still investigating a full week later.
Just what is she trying to pull off with a grand jury to-let her off?!? They think all those people so stupid-easy to destroy the lives of a few but not with an entire community not willing to let it go-Oh Hell no!!!
Ask me Ask my animals as they literally stole property not even listed on their faulty warrant. You come in to my courtroom with that hogwash the case would have been dismissed-But no the district attorney still is running things in Marion County-This how business is always done for years and years….Just look at the above link DA Smuck is no different than Gleason and the two likely go to the local bar and grill across the street from the sheriff’s off with Sheriff David McKnight for drinks scheming on making it go away.
Sorry too many eyes watching and they all found me. Together as warriors we will see justice served all right-Demand the federal case reopened so they can all follow our led and file against the county or the city or whoever the fuck was involved for restitution…I wonder if they realize the JP Court and the County Court judge are just lay people picking up an extra buck…LaFluer the new county judge -for how long?!? The chief of police appears older than me-Hell all those people old as sin picking up an extra buck and their hand out to collect…Retire and have an election…Turn in those badges and walk away. Get Smuck and Gleason disbarred…Throw McKnight locked away with Wedding as they enjoy each others company so much…
The can of warms now open folks and if I can work alone with Fred for all these years (9 years next month) then imagine how much more can be accomplished if he and I are not in hiding behind a fence, me stuck in my bed on and off for all these many years unable to function-The shock and horror of it all.
Disclaimer connected to this blog…Things said are of my opinion and the opinions of others…Stay tuned -Follow this blog -B

Parvovirus-What You Need to Know

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Considering the conditions 83 dogs were found in, around Thanksgiving in Marion County, Texas at HSMC; a dead puppy found in a feed sack assumed was be tossed out with the trash, a high number of dead frozen dogs in the two freezers and the claims of projectile diarrhea; it must be assumed that there is a possibility of parvovirus might be present.

Hats off to the Marshall Veterinary Hospital for heading straight into what maybe their worst nightmare come true.

The following is not written by me-I’ve stolen it from an expert in my newsfeed on FB…The incidence of parvovirus following Hurricane Harvey…She just happened to share this and the following article today.

This was inevitable considering the uncontrolled sources and lack of adequate quarantine of most “rescue” animals. The more this type of tragedy becomes public, more people will not be willing to expose their existing animals to disease from “rescues”. In addition, most just cannot afford to spend thousands to try to save a “rescue” animal (along with their other animals).

LATEST: Mega adoption event dogs diagnosed with parvovirus

Highly contagious virus can be deadly; BVSPCA will cover treatment bills.

UPDATE, 12 p.m. Tuesday: A previous version of this story stated that one of the dogs from the mega adoption event diagnosed with parvo was adopted through the Delaware Humane Association. According to the DHA, none of their dogs have tested positive for parvo.

UPDATE, 11:45 a.m. Monday: According to Amy Hulse, the BVSPCA is now taking full responsibility for Hercules’ emergency vet bills. BVSPCA marketing director Linda Torelli confirms that they will pay for costs associated with the parvo cases.

UPDATE, 11 a.m. Monday: The BVSPCA has issued the following statement:

“This mega event placed 1,181 animals in homes. Many of them came from overcrowded shelters where they had little chance of survival. Others had been waiting in no-kill shelters to find a family without luck, such as nine-year-old Heathcliff, who found a forever family at Mega after 358 days in the BVSPCA’s care; a partner’s Hurricane Harvey survivor who got a great match after more than a year; and another shelter partner’s 10-year old long-timer finally went home.

Our hearts break for the six puppies impacted by parvo and their families. Each family has had the opportunity for free care at our clinic or a VCA hospital, and all adoption fees have been or are in the process of being refunded. We’ve also proactively reached out to families that might have a risk of disease spread, such as littermates of the affected puppies. These are unfortunate cases that are a small minority representing 0.5% of the population in an event that has saved thousands of lives in its three-year history.

All puppies available for adoption through the BVSPCA have received age-appropriate vaccines.

Wood continued, ’Parvo testing is known to be unpredictable. Usually, a dog doesn’t test positive until it’s symptomatic,” said Dr. Wood. “We see very few parvo cases, and the ones we do have a high treatment response and survival rate. All of the puppies at the event were examined several times by veterinary staff, and none were symptomatic prior to or during the event.′

Parvo is an unfortunate reality in sheltering, and every shelter faces it from time to time. The shelter veterinary medicine community is divided on quarantines, as doing so can increase the risk of stress and disease outbreak while also delaying the lifesaving process. That said, all puppies at the event had been held at least five days and in many cases two weeks or more by either the BVSPCA or the sending rescue prior to being available for adoption. In addition, any puppies transferred from another shelter or rescue had health certificates issued by a veterinarian as part of an exam prior to transport.”

UPDATE, 10 a.m. Monday: Another mega adoption dog diagnosed with parvo has died, after the adopter spent more than $1,000 on emergency vet care.

Amy Hulse, of Frederica, adopted a mixed-breed puppy named Hercules.

He didn’t even make it five days,” she said.

Hulse and other adopters at the mega adoption event were given a veterinary voucher, valid only at VCA Animal Hospitals. She took Hercules to VCA the same day she adopted him because he had a crusty nose.

“The vet said maybe the flu or kennel cough and gave us meds and sent us home,” she said.

On Sunday, Hercules had vomiting and diarrhea, but Hulse thought that may have been due to the medication. It was Monday night when the dog’s health took a noticeable dive. Hulse took him back to VCA Tuesday morning, where he was diagnosed with parvo and hospitalized.

“We finally got ahold of someone at BVSPCA willing to help us at that point,” she said. “They told us to bring him to their New Castle shelter and they would take him to West Chester for treatment free of charge.”

Hulse drove Hercules to New Castle and sent him on his way, fingers crossed. Thursday morning, she got the phone call. Her dog was dead.

“They offered me another dog,” she said. “But at this point, I don’t even want to bring another one into the house because of the virus. I just want some financial assistance. We shouldn’t have to pay $1,000 for vet care within the first week.”

BVSPCA has not yet responded to requests for information.

A Whaleyville, Maryland woman is warning of a possible parvovirus outbreak at the recent Brandywine Valley SPCA Mega Adoption event in Harrington. She took to social media on Sunday, December 16, after her new puppy, Little Man, died.

“I am so incredibly sad. I can’t concentrate on anything and feel so helpless. This is not what was supposed to happen,” wrote Cyndi Hill Truitt.

The mega adoption event took place on December 8 and 9 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. Over 1,100 cats and dogs were adopted out over the weekend, at a fee of just $25 each. In addition to the BVSPCA, participating animal groups included the Animal Rescue League of Berks County (which brought only cats), Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Center, Crossing Paths Animals Rescue, Currituck County, Delaware Humane Association, South Jersey Animal Shelter, St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center and Northeastern SPCA North Carolina.

“We went to the mega adoption event in Harrington and adopted two beautiful puppies,” Hill Truitt said. “After one day the smallest pup’s health began to decline. We took him to the vet right away. He was diagnosed with parvo.”

That puppy, Little Man, a mixed breed, died a few days later. The other puppy Hill Truitt adopted at the event, Daisy, became symptomatic on Saturday.

“Even though we had bleached and thrown away new toys, and taken every precaution we could, Daisy is spending the night at the ER and I am praying she is strong enough to recover,” she said.

According to the American Veterinary Medicine Association, parvovirus, or “parvo,” is extremely contagious. Though all dogs are at risk of contracting the virus, young, unvaccinated puppies are most susceptible. Parvo is transmitted through contaminated feces, which can make its way to a dog via contact with another dog or with contaminated surfaces, such as a kennel floor, water bowl or leash.

Signs of parvo include loss of appetite, abdominal pain and bloating, fever or hypothermia, vomiting and severe, often bloody, diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea often lead to dehydration, the damage of which can sometimes lead to septic shock. There is no cure for parvovirus; treatment consists mostly of managing dehydration while the dog’s body fights the virus.

If your puppy or dog shows any of these signs, the AVMA recommends contacting your veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian will likely diagnose the illness through fecal testing. Most parvo deaths occur within 48 to 72 hours after symptoms appear. Isolation is necessary, as well as thorough cleaning with bleach. Consult with your veterinarian before allowing other dogs to come in contact with your dog or your dog’s environment.

It is extremely rare, but certain strains of canine parvovirus can be transmitted to cats. It cannot be transmitted to humans.

Hill Truitt is not only sad, but angry.

“Not just because I may need to take out a second mortgage to pay for vet expenses, but I truly believe there was negligence at some point with the event I attended,” she said. “I contacted the Brandywine SPCA immediately … It took them three days to return my call, and said if I wanted to take the pups to West Chester clinic they would treat them … At our vet alone, several puppies adopted from the same event have been diagnosed with parvo.”

It is not yet clear if all the dogs at the mega adoption event had been isolated for a sufficient period of time and/or vaccinated for parvo, but the BSPCA website states that the $25 fee included “age-appropriate vaccinations.” BVSPCA did not immediately return requests for comment.

This story was edited to include the fact that the Animal Rescue League of Berks County brought only cats to the event.